[Nothing to Fear Nothing to Doubt]
10/28/2006 10:56:00 PM - The \Futuro\ was already here \pero ya se fue\

Things are about to change around here… just you wait… I see monkeys

  [2/24/2010 8:47 PM] Blogger Lois la-lalá said:
done!! everything has changed!! and there s a monkey writing u a comment... 4 years late...
my friend...

10/25/2006 3:05:00 AM - waiting

Siempre espero un correo que nunca llega la forma de esperarlo cambia siempre, y aun no llega no importa que tanto se es[eren las cosas no llegan hasta que llegan e intentar ir a buscarlas puede traer muchísimas mas penurias que simplemente esperar. Tranquilo algún día llegara, y si no?

10/23/2006 2:57:00 PM - Out of the frying pan into the fire…
Well I managed to get thru this last week, data structures, probability and physics test were in it, and all of that just to get myself into a plethora of homework… this university right? Well I got to keep it up, its only 2 more months, and it will be over… only to start a new term… which, hopefully will be my last, and I will be taking only two curses… and then… well who knows, my plan is, photography, I shall be start a photography major, but I’m still 6 months away and a lot of things can change, oh yeah I might move back to Grecia to take a post as a teacher in a software development program Cenfotec wants to start over there… we will see.

  [10/26/2006 12:13 PM] Anonymous Anonymous said:
We have a software school project in Grecia. We already have a language school and we would like to make it into a University. Other Ex students from Cenfo are interested as well.
Contact me at faruk.muhti at yahoo.com

I´ll then give you our corporate e.mail, phone, etc.

10/19/2006 6:22:00 PM - We are fucked…

(6:12 PM) !mcm - Procrastinating:

no quiero estudiar

(6:13 PM) -Nane-:

yo tampoco

(6:13 PM) !mcm - Procrastinating:

mal toque ah!

pero si no lo hago voy a tener que repetir la materia

(6:14 PM) -Nane-:

si no lo hago me quedo

(6:14 PM) !mcm - Procrastinating:

we are fucked

(6:14 PM) -Nane-:


1:09:00 PM -

This isn't going anywhere… oh! I thought I liked physics; well I do, but this crap… I just don't get it, don't you hate when you realize you are not as smart as you thought you were…

11:30:00 AM - Física

Física física física, por que putas no lo entiendo todo y ya? Bueno eso es fácil de responder, por que no estudio, por que putas no estudio>??? Porque siempre encuentro una nueva manera para procrastinarlo, como escribir en el blog, porque no quiero saber nada, es tarado!!! Debería ponerle, es la ultima física, si termino, termino la u, bueno casi. Ahora, mejor a estudiar

10/18/2006 1:38:00 AM - Expecting…

The thing with waiting is…. Well it takes just way too long… or so it seems, the less you expect the happier you are; You become a less worried/anxious/annoyed/annoying/tired person; so, kids the lesson of the day is: don't expect anything, that way if something happens it will seem as if just came down from the sky, and if nothing happens, well who gives a fuck? Is not that you were expecting it or anything… is it?


I finally got my new pc, same thing as always, but I gets things done scarily fast… not that I've become more productive, I just don't have to wait as long as I used to. And after a few tries once again I'm posting.

Friends are good, another fun fact, the farther you are from them; the more you like them. Those who live really close to you, rough edges start to show up. Don't even mention siblings…

10/08/2006 1:31:00 PM - Finally Blind

I finally blinded myself…. Blindme is no longer available. While I still enjoy photography and sharing my views with people, I had no self-discipline whatsoever , letting that blog die, every now and then I would post something, but I just didn't do it enough to meet my own goals, yeah shame on me. On the other side, I'm trying to pick up this, I my try to start writing some fiction, some stories, and as always just me ranting about stuff. So far I really like this word 2007 blog thingy.

10/05/2006 12:54:00 AM - Getting back

Someone recently said that I should be a writer, funny thing though it was after reading a really strange email, I just forget what I'm doing from time to time or I'm just too lazy to remember what I was doing a couple minutes ago, haven't figured it out yet whether is du to my Attention Deficit Disorder, or just a costume that I got so use to do, an I'm no longer capable of recognizing it as such, at the end it all comes out as if there was no connection at all between phrases and sometimes even words, I can't but wonder if I do the same thing while talking, o while having a conversation, just come out of the blue with some random ass commentary about who-fucking-knows-what… I guess I do. The more interesting people are the more difficult it becomes to find. I've come about to meet a couple of them lately. As usual I'm dreadful in meeting people and actually getting somewhere with a conversation, this however, I like to think, is not only my fault, there has been a couple of time where I've got into some of the most interesting conversations in a long time, and those have been with people that I had never seen before, or at least not to the caring point… so my point is, if there is someone actually interesting that is not you normal empty/fullofthemself-headed person you are likely to meet around these places, that could lead me to some rants but I'm trying to cool off a little before actually start those ranting posts again, as for now, I should be trying to get the habit of writing.

10/04/2006 12:17:00 AM - bumped out
hat the hell do you write when you are bumped out, do you complain, do you keep on whining about it for ever... what the hell do you do? come on now... help me out

Ipod says:

10/03/2006 4:08:00 PM - Microsoft Office 2007

The thing about betas has and will always be, to be ahead than everyone else, or at least than most people, see the new features on the given piece of software, I've been using Microsoft Office 2007 for a couple weeks now, and is just amazing, your productivity gets a boost, and believe me, you will feel the difference within minutes, the most would be after a couple days, and after that, well there is no turning back, I just found out this new [unknown??] feature, I'm able to edit the post on my blog before publishing them, giving me the opportunity to take advantage of the nice things MS Word has to offer, most importantly, spellchecker. Another great thing, is that they had cleaned up the HML mess MS word would create in our post if we copy/paste to spell check it, thank god!!!! Plus I can publish my new post from Word itself, so this is the first port of the kind; hopefully this will help me to pot more frequently… we'll see

10/02/2006 3:20:00 PM - ay vamos a ver que sale

last time i actually tried to post something here, i came up with all this crap about a blogger beta bla bla bla, so as usual my curious side took over and kept on reading how to get it, well i didnt, i had the option to start a new blog, but i figured there is whole lotta stuff here that i just cant afford to lose _________________________________________________ Ipod says:Nena Boba - Pescado Rabioso

From all the things I know; the one that I care the most is not in the list..... crap!
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