10:47:00 PM - you
im sick and tired of you, of me, of everything
i hate you
i forget you
i remember you
i think of you
i thank you
i forgive you
i know you
i picture you
i beg you
i kidnap you
i free you
i feel you
i miss you
i worship you
i adore you
i trust you
i believe you
i'm looking for you, but i think im afraid to find you.
i fucking suck, i dont even know what im saying [er, writing], i know there is some one out there... just havent meet her yet, or may be i have... i hate the fact that im working... i want to do nothing, i want to take pictures, i want a new camera, i dont want to forget to reply the email any more, i want to see EK, i really do, there is just something about her that always made me feel good, but it is not her who im looking for, she is my favsis, funny enough i barely know her, but i just may know her more than what i think, any way, i will replay soon, i just need some space in my head, which i dont yet have.
i want to be... because right now... i dont even exist. its only you, there is no fucking me.
Winamp says: Led Zeppelin - Thank You [that was when i started now is D'yer Mak'er] [edit: now is No Quater], but i started this about 2 hours ago...
i hate you
i forget you
i remember you
i think of you
i thank you
i forgive you
i know you
i picture you
i beg you
i kidnap you
i free you
i feel you
i miss you
i worship you
i adore you
i trust you
i believe you
i'm looking for you, but i think im afraid to find you.
i fucking suck, i dont even know what im saying [er, writing], i know there is some one out there... just havent meet her yet, or may be i have... i hate the fact that im working... i want to do nothing, i want to take pictures, i want a new camera, i dont want to forget to reply the email any more, i want to see EK, i really do, there is just something about her that always made me feel good, but it is not her who im looking for, she is my favsis, funny enough i barely know her, but i just may know her more than what i think, any way, i will replay soon, i just need some space in my head, which i dont yet have.
i want to be... because right now... i dont even exist. its only you, there is no fucking me.
Winamp says: Led Zeppelin - Thank You [that was when i started now is D'yer Mak'er] [edit: now is No Quater], but i started this about 2 hours ago...
Respire, Tranquilo, No respire, Exhale, cuente hasta 10, bueno.. Hasta 44353453... jajaja
[8/01/2005 8:12 AM] shuzz said:
[8/07/2005 7:25 AM] shuzz said:
i beer u
i gloogle u
okif you say so...
9:46:00 PM - 92 - or something
The thing about being death is that you never know what happened, and you don’t know what is next... but that is not new, while you are alive is the same thing,
Some things will never change, for example the annoying tone of someone’s voice or how boring it is to be me, or you, or anyone... the odds are you are never going to do anything exceptional in your life, and as soon as your last friend dies you will be forgotten.... so why should you even care...
If you manage to get something accomplished, good job may be you have earn your pass to eternity, as for my I will never know if I was forgotten, so if I do something extremely amazing, you could almost say I didn’t mean to...
The only thing that I want is to be significantly important to somebody, and know it, that will suffice…
Winamp says: Mano Negra - Santa Maradona
Some things will never change, for example the annoying tone of someone’s voice or how boring it is to be me, or you, or anyone... the odds are you are never going to do anything exceptional in your life, and as soon as your last friend dies you will be forgotten.... so why should you even care...
If you manage to get something accomplished, good job may be you have earn your pass to eternity, as for my I will never know if I was forgotten, so if I do something extremely amazing, you could almost say I didn’t mean to...
The only thing that I want is to be significantly important to somebody, and know it, that will suffice…
Winamp says: Mano Negra - Santa Maradona
Un buen trabajo no asegura el paso a la "Eternidad" (No creo que nada lo asegure de hecho porque... Al rato no hay nada del otro lado => )
Un buen trabajo lo unico que asegura es satisfaccion.
[7/31/2005 8:04 PM] shuzz said:
no, no era un trabajo lo que decia, sino cualquier cosa... y bueno no la eternidad pero unos 1500 annos lo harian, je!
2:08:00 PM - Flying Bug
this one of my favorite pictures.
make sure to visit my photos page
Winamp says: Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Amnesia
6 dias para estar de vuelta en Costa Rica, ya me estan dando ganas de irme, digamos que ya no hay mucho que me atache a suiza, osea obvioq ue hay montones, pero mi hermanita querida del alma se fue hoy para turquia de vacaciones, aunque sabemos que nos vamos a ver en 1 ano, lloramos dem... es tan triste un ano la vi casi todos los dias y tengo que esperar todo un ano mas para verla de nuevo.... ademas ya todos los estudiantes de intercambio que me interesan (me refiero a los oldies, porque hay newies a quienes amo y voy a extranar montones) ya se fueron, hoy se fue tambien kari, una de mis mejores amigas... ya no hay tanto que me haga quedar....
ya quiero estar en CR, quiero comer platanos, quiero comer mangos verdes... por cierto hay mangos verdes en el arbol de la casa????
quiero ver a mi familia y a mis amigos, quiero escuchar MI espanol todo el dia, quiero comer mi comida, quiero que todo mundo vea cuanto cambie (si no me importa si se rien que me engorde la cara, y crean no fue lo unico que engorde... por dicha mi estomago no...) quiero escuchar como suena el acento tico de verdad, quiero escuchar viernes a ver si es verdad que lo decimos tan vacilon como me han estado molestando todo el ano, quiero ver a mis amigos que estuvieron aqui en suiza, quiero poder mandar sms baratos, quiero hablar, quiero, quiero quiero....
la verdad loq eu quiero es tener a naemi aqui sentada en mis piernas molestandome y no dejandome escribir con mis amigos por el msn.... LA EXTRANO!!!!!!!!!! y eso que solo se fue hoy hace 12 hora que no la veo y ya la extrano!!!!!
y pensar que la tengo que esperar todo un ano....
sorry esteban.... yo se que esto no es para yo expresarme pero ya qeu lo escribi lo voy a dejar aqui y lo copio para mi blog....
pero en plan respondame hay mangos verdes en la casa???
[7/21/2005 5:15 PM] shuzz said:
nada de que preocuparse,este es uno de los comments que mas me agrada! gracias por ponerlo aca!... ey pero vamos!ya casi mas tengo yo que esperar... casi casi
[7/21/2005 5:16 PM] shuzz said:
ummm creo que quedan un par por ahi...
hey cuando hace una nueva????? ponga algo nuevo..... aunque diga... falta 2 disa para mi cumple o algo asi.....
[7/27/2005 5:29 PM] shuzz said:
una nueva que?
12:18:00 PM - Basic rules on how to work with out any motivation
1 - It suck. it will make you wonder if what you do is what you actually like to do.
2 - It is boring. yo rather look at the ceiling.
3 - There is no way to do it.
4 - It is bad for your mood. You will grow angry.
5 - It is bad for your health. You will grow Neurotic.
In other words try not to do it...
Winamp says: Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Piazzolla
2 - It is boring. yo rather look at the ceiling.
3 - There is no way to do it.
4 - It is bad for your mood. You will grow angry.
5 - It is bad for your health. You will grow Neurotic.
In other words try not to do it...
Winamp says: Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Piazzolla
i think had something interesting to write about... but just as every single interesting thing that happens in my live it goes away before i notice it...
the big mikah is comming up, prolly 29 god helps us all! everyones is specting it! what is it going to happen... no one knows. i just hope "la llorona" doesnt show up, nor that any thing slips out... it could be terrible.... NTFNTD.... i hope it was that easy... maybe it could be the first step... we will see.
kata, katarina.... nah, dont worry i wont ask L about it... well maybe i should... but i rater come up with something on my own....
see you
Ipod says: The Strokes - Alone Together
the big mikah is comming up, prolly 29 god helps us all! everyones is specting it! what is it going to happen... no one knows. i just hope "la llorona" doesnt show up, nor that any thing slips out... it could be terrible.... NTFNTD.... i hope it was that easy... maybe it could be the first step... we will see.
kata, katarina.... nah, dont worry i wont ask L about it... well maybe i should... but i rater come up with something on my own....
see you
Ipod says: The Strokes - Alone Together
10:41:00 AM - btw
i posted some pictures a couple days ago... check them out, let me know what you think....
Winamp says: ok i think im going to change this to ipod says.....
Ipod says: Queens Of The Stone Age - I think I lost my Headache
Winamp says: ok i think im going to change this to ipod says.....
Ipod says: Queens Of The Stone Age - I think I lost my Headache
me gusta la serie de autobuses, pero hay uno de heredia que en mi vida había visto... es que tal vez no le pongo mucha atención a los buses :S
buses??? que es eso???? osea si se lo que son buses obvio, pero porque fotos a los buses???? las del morazan estan dem buenas!!!
8 dias.... no quiero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨pero a la ves si.... :s
[7/19/2005 9:46 AM] shuzz said:
buses, es algo que veo siempre, entonces por que notomarles fotos llegara un dia donde esas fotos signifiquen un a parte de mi vida, ese es el problema de la mayoria de la gente y la fotografia, o asi lo veo yose dedican a tomar fotos de algo que es extranno y nunca se vuelven hacia lo comun, esta bien tomarle fotos a las cosas que talvez no volvamos a ver por que estan tan lejos, por ejemplo cuanto se esta de vieaje, pero las cosas que hoy tomamos por sentadas podrian no estar en 5 annos, y nunca tenemos un recuerdo de esto... no quiero que eso me pase, por eso mis fotos son tan feas y aburridas por que la mayoria son cosas normales y cotidianas sin ninguna gracia para la mayoria, para mi son geniales capturan lo que yo veo a diario y lo que me gusta, tambien lo que no me gusta solo que estas son menos comunes.
10:05:00 PM - wow
I didn’t know this its been over a year since I started blogging, well not if we take away all the time where I was, asleep so to speak, it has been actually a good thing I guess it has helped me to get some stuff out of my head before I blew it self, I’ve meet some great people through it, and it has helped some of my very best friends to know what I’ve been up to or just to know what has on my head...[hi E {I still need to figure out a nickname for you... any ideas}] it has helped me spread my thoughts. and even though I’ve never got a lot of comments, I’ve never really cared and that’s even better because every time someone actually comments it's a bliss, something I said actually made someone else want to waste their time saying something to me... how cool is that, most of the time I just write random stuff that I’m sure most of you don’t understand but then again that is what is on my mind, and it only works in there... trying to explain it here well take so much work that I just wont do it. plus as I’ve said many times, and I know I dot necessarily stick to it all the time, this blog is for me, I try to keep a record of some of the things that impresses me or that take a portion of my mind, its is open in case someone actually wants to come across, most people have just stumbled in here as I did in the first place... ok that’s enough carp already...
Oh I finished Half Life 2 today, I liked it a lot, and I went playing fut5 yesterday, what fun! Then after trying 4 or 5 different bars, all were closed, we ended up in Grecia FC! and guess what it is cheaper than most, and it was all to ourselves, [bocas] were fine and it is comfier than nearly any other bar in Grecia, at least there is space to breath.
some people should... SOB mode is gone now... too bad
Winamp says:no winamp uhh?
Oh I finished Half Life 2 today, I liked it a lot, and I went playing fut5 yesterday, what fun! Then after trying 4 or 5 different bars, all were closed, we ended up in Grecia FC! and guess what it is cheaper than most, and it was all to ourselves, [bocas] were fine and it is comfier than nearly any other bar in Grecia, at least there is space to breath.
some people should... SOB mode is gone now... too bad
Winamp says:no winamp uhh?
Como va???? a mi me va super!!! ayer me cambie de nuevo de familia, volvi a donde mi 1 familia, jajaja fue tan diertido en la noche me fui con naemi y cyrill a una fiesta y volvimos hoy a la casa como a las 9am, lo malo era que los papas creian que volviamos ayer, pero cuando volviamos, veniamos naemi y yo con un amigo en la bici, si 3 personas en una bici y cyrill en la de el... y cuando estabamos entrando a la casa los papas iban saliendo, no sabiamos donde meternos.. jajaja los papas se enojaron con cyrill y naemi, pero a mi todavia me quieren... ehhh, no esque ellos ya es demasiado lo que han hecho....
jajajajajajajajajajaj me da tanta risa!!!!!
shisha bar... bueno es un bar donde se fuma shisha, eso es una pipa de agua, epro no una bomba, y lo que se fuma es tabaco sin nicotina y con sabores, es dem bueno... voy a poner una foto en mi pag en dotphoto para que vea la maquina...
hey que feo que es tener que volver.... pero bueno se tiene que hacer...
nos vemos en 10 dias!!!
bueno, escribir es una buena manera de exteriorizar lo que muchas veces no podemos decir con la voz, además de que es un buen medio de canalización :)!
Ana E : que disfrute mucho su retorno!!! :D:D:D
11:47:00 AM - Thieves
what can i say?
Winamp says:
what can i say?
Winamp says:
gettin the papers for the visa is a lot work.... going back and ford.... im so tired
Winamp says:
Winamp says:
8:11:00 AM - new rutine... well no rutine
i start all the paperwork for my Belgium visa today! i feel closer and closer... :D
i cant wait. one other thing i finaly ended editing my music library that means, editing ID3 tags, getting as many art works as posible, nomalizing it [setting the same volumen for every song] and making sure all the albums are complete, as much as can... any way it was a lot of work, all was worth it. and yeas it took me, tons of time... now my ipod is ready to be used properly :P
im gone now, gotta go to SJ..
Winamp says: ....ipod says: Avientame - Caifanes
i cant wait. one other thing i finaly ended editing my music library that means, editing ID3 tags, getting as many art works as posible, nomalizing it [setting the same volumen for every song] and making sure all the albums are complete, as much as can... any way it was a lot of work, all was worth it. and yeas it took me, tons of time... now my ipod is ready to be used properly :P
im gone now, gotta go to SJ..
Winamp says: ....ipod says: Avientame - Caifanes
9:56:00 AM - random
here is the deal:
yesterday i got this email at work [well something like this]:
there will be no AS400 tomorrow.
lol, i said a lot more but i cant recall...
any way i turns out that, because there is no AS400, i cont work at all.. so i have a free day! wohoo, but not ony that... today is the las day of my contract... that means im free again!!! nanananah... sad thing is i dont know yet what to do with my time... i complained so much about not having time... and now that i have it.. dont know what to do... how tipical... i dont care starting monday i have to do all the paper work for my Belgium Visa... oh men... why dont they just give it to you...
any way my ankle is almost fine now, so soon i will be able to walk or run or whatever as i used to...
yeah this is a random post... im done.
what do you think of the new look? i like it
Winamp says:no winamp yet just birds singing in the yard
yesterday i got this email at work [well something like this]:
there will be no AS400 tomorrow.
lol, i said a lot more but i cant recall...
any way i turns out that, because there is no AS400, i cont work at all.. so i have a free day! wohoo, but not ony that... today is the las day of my contract... that means im free again!!! nanananah... sad thing is i dont know yet what to do with my time... i complained so much about not having time... and now that i have it.. dont know what to do... how tipical... i dont care starting monday i have to do all the paper work for my Belgium Visa... oh men... why dont they just give it to you...
any way my ankle is almost fine now, so soon i will be able to walk or run or whatever as i used to...
yeah this is a random post... im done.
what do you think of the new look? i like it
Winamp says:no winamp yet just birds singing in the yard
me gustaaaaaaaaaaaa el nuevo estilo!!! es muuuucho mejor que el anterior!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D y bueno disfrute su día libre! :D
stolen from my post in acpii's blog...
como que las cosas no pasan por casualidad... las razones no son mas que lo que podamos tomar de provecho a partir de una eventualidad, la suerte tempoco existe es lo mismo que razon tendria ganarme la loteria si no invierto bien el dinero, la razon es la unica via para encontrar la sabiduria, no una puta manifestacion del destino o karma o lo que quiera llamarla si las cosas suceden es por que yo hize algo al respecto... no porque eso tenia que suceder, si camino y me encuentro un billete en la calle es por que algun tarado lo dejo ahi, no porque yo me lo tenia que encontrar, todo es causa-consecuencia, pero lo que suceda despues de esto, sera determinado por mis acciones, oh bien, mi reaccion. si tuvieras una mision.... ud la conoce... no, yo tampoco, asi que la mision es la que a ud le de la gana como ghengis khan, el lider mongol que conquisto toda asia y casi europa, de hecho ha sido el mejor conquistador que la humanidad ha visto.... el dijo mi mision en la vida es conquistar el mundo.... la mision es lo que le de la gana a ud hacer con ella...
Winamp says: Muse - Fillip
como que las cosas no pasan por casualidad... las razones no son mas que lo que podamos tomar de provecho a partir de una eventualidad, la suerte tempoco existe es lo mismo que razon tendria ganarme la loteria si no invierto bien el dinero, la razon es la unica via para encontrar la sabiduria, no una puta manifestacion del destino o karma o lo que quiera llamarla si las cosas suceden es por que yo hize algo al respecto... no porque eso tenia que suceder, si camino y me encuentro un billete en la calle es por que algun tarado lo dejo ahi, no porque yo me lo tenia que encontrar, todo es causa-consecuencia, pero lo que suceda despues de esto, sera determinado por mis acciones, oh bien, mi reaccion. si tuvieras una mision.... ud la conoce... no, yo tampoco, asi que la mision es la que a ud le de la gana como ghengis khan, el lider mongol que conquisto toda asia y casi europa, de hecho ha sido el mejor conquistador que la humanidad ha visto.... el dijo mi mision en la vida es conquistar el mundo.... la mision es lo que le de la gana a ud hacer con ella...
Winamp says: Muse - Fillip
pues yo creo que cada quien tiene su manera de ver todo esto, yo simplemente lo veo como un libro ya escrito pero conforme uno va leyendo se da cuenta de lo que hace sin saber como va a terminar ese final, las decisiones son fundamentales para alterar su recorrido y su final.. ese es mi pensamiento y por supuesto que no creo en la suerte, todo tiene su razón de ser, y que esa persona haya perdido un billete es por algo así como para la persona que lo encontró.... Todo tiene una razón para mi
4:38:00 PM - what a fucking idiot
all right lets get done with it.
i twisted my ankle, the jump wasnt as long as i expected it to be, and my landing took my foot by surprice... i felt every single bone in my left foot as it twist towards my rigth, and i heard every single crack they made.... then i fell on my face, the game was over, just after 5 mins... oh god! ima so stupid, i had waited for so long to play and i screwed it all. sped the afternoon in the hospital, and they told me i must rest for 8 days... awefully enough i have one more wee of work, and, since im a contractor, i must go, no matter what...
want to know what my next stupidity will be, keep reading this thing......
Winamp says: no winamp today im watching live 8 on tv, Dave Matthews band is on.
btw make sure you add your mane to the list www.live8live.com
i twisted my ankle, the jump wasnt as long as i expected it to be, and my landing took my foot by surprice... i felt every single bone in my left foot as it twist towards my rigth, and i heard every single crack they made.... then i fell on my face, the game was over, just after 5 mins... oh god! ima so stupid, i had waited for so long to play and i screwed it all. sped the afternoon in the hospital, and they told me i must rest for 8 days... awefully enough i have one more wee of work, and, since im a contractor, i must go, no matter what...
want to know what my next stupidity will be, keep reading this thing......
Winamp says: no winamp today im watching live 8 on tv, Dave Matthews band is on.
btw make sure you add your mane to the list www.live8live.com
8:45:00 AM - My photos site
well... there is a new change of plans... iran into flickr they provide free hosting for pictures and they give you a place to show them... now the free account alows you to show up to 200 pics, you cant store as many as you want... but you can show only the newest 200... is quite cheap, they charge you about 25USD for a year subsciption, you get unlimited pictures, unlimited sets, permanent archiving of hi-res pics, unlimited storage and 2GB per month upload quota. so if any of you wants to sponsore me, i'll be very grateful, and will dedicate a set of pictures to you :D...
any way... wanna see my pics, http://www.flickr.com/photos/shuzz/
Winamp says: Sangre - Jaguares
any way... wanna see my pics, http://www.flickr.com/photos/shuzz/
Winamp says: Sangre - Jaguares
I registered there but they never sent me an email with the registration :(
[7/02/2005 1:16 AM] shuzz said:
....:| dunno what to say..
From all the things I know; the one that I care the most is not in the list..... crap!